Storing Pesticides

Learning Objectives.

• List the expectations of your storage facility and practices.
• Distinguish between items you can and cannot store with
pesticides and pesticide-impregnated materials.
• Identify features of a suitable location for a pesticide storage
• List problems that could occur if your storage area is exposed to
flood or surface water runoff.
• Explain why and how you should:
– Control temperature and humidity in a pesticide storage area
– Properly ventilate a pesticide storage area
• Define bulk pesticide.
• Discuss fire risks in a pesticide storage facility.
• Provide design details of a storage facility that help reduce the
risk of or damage from pesticide spills and fires.
• Discuss the best use of shelves in a storage area, including
construction and placement.
• Describe storage facility features and practices that will help
protect workers who enter the facility.
• List things you should check when you receive pesticides before
you put them into your storage area.
• Define service container.
• Discuss what you need to do when placing pesticides into
storage, including product placement, managing inventory, and
routine inspections.
• Give examples of signs that a pesticide product has deteriorated.