BONUS* Application Methods and Equipment

Learning Objectives.

• List factors that determine which application method you will
select for a given pest problem.
• Briefly describe each application method mentioned in this
• Discuss what you need to consider when selecting a spray tank.
• Explain what a sprayer’s pump does and what is required to
ensure it operates properly.
• List the three basic functions of sprayer nozzles.
• Tell how nozzles are classified and why it matters if the spray
produced is coarse or fine.
• Describe the common nozzle spray patterns and the kinds of
applications for which they are used.
• Compare nozzle materials with respect to their resistance to wear.
• Describe each sprayer discussed in this chapter with respect to:
Its uses
– How it delivers pesticide to the target site
– Its advantages and disadvantages
• Describe each granular applicator discussed in this chapter with
respect to:
– Its uses
– How it delivers pesticide to the target site
• Explain how each of the engineering controls in this chapter can
reduce an applicator’s exposure to pesticides.
• Explain why and how to clean pesticide application equipment
after use and prepare it for storage.