BONUS* Application Safety

Learning Objectives.

• List steps you can take before an application to:
– Prepare to respond in case of a pesticide exposure or spill
– Ensure your equipment works properly
– Prevent people, pets, domesticated animals, and nontarget
organisms from getting exposed to pesticides
• Give examples of how you can avoid exposing sensitive areas to
• Tell who is responsible for keeping anyone but trained and
protected pesticide handlers out of an area while you are treating
it with pesticide.
• Give _examples of applications which present you with a high
risk of exposure and what you can do to reduce that risk.
• Tell what you should do during an application to ensure
pesticide is being applied uniformly and at the proper rate.
• Tell what you should do to clean up after a pesticide application.
• With regard to restrictions for reentry into an area treated with
– Tell where you would find such restrictions on a pesticide
– Identify which reentry restrictions (if any) on a pesticide
label pertains to the application you have made with the
– Indicate who must be prevented from entering a site while
reentry restrictions are in effect.
– Explain how reentry restrictions differ between nonagricultural applications and applications covered by the
Worker Protection Standard (WPS).
– State how long people and pets should stay out of an area
after a pesticide application if the label does not specifically
list any reentry restrictions.
– Tell who is responsible for keeping people and pets out of a
pesticide-treated area while reentry restrictions are in effect.